Senin, 28 November 2011



    1. Writing background
In the development Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), which vary based on National Education Standards (SNP) to ensure the achievement of national education goals. National Standards of Education Content Standard, Standard Process, Competency standards Passed, Education Workforce Standards, Standards for Infrastructure, Standards Management, Financing Standards, Assessment Standards. Two of the eight standards, which are nsional education and Competency Standards Content Standard Passed, is the main reference for the education unit in developing curriculum.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 (UU 20/2003) about the System of National Education and the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 (PP 19/2005) about the National Standards of Education has mandated curriculum unit level education of primary and secondary levels of education have been prepared by educational unit based on the content standards and pass the competency standards and is guided by the guidelines established by the BSNP.
KTSP is an operational curriculum developed and implemented by each educational unit in this case refers to the law school is the educational unit (Sutrisno, 2008). In developing the KTSP is done by each group or the education unit and school committee / madrasa under the coordination and supervision of Department of Education / Ministry of Religious Affairs office of district / city for Secondary Education and Special Education.
KTSP Emphasis is on developing the ability to do (competence) and tasks with specific performance standards so the results can be felt by students in the form of mastery of a set of specific competencies. This educational program standard device should be able to deliver students to have a competency of knowledge, and values used in various fields of life.
    1. The purpose of writing
According to Nasution (1999), the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements on the objectives, content and teaching materials and methods used to guide the implementation of instructional activities to achieve certain educational goals. Objectives include the national education goals as well as conformance to specification, state and regional potential, education unit and learners. Therefore, the curriculum prepared by the educational unit to allow adjustment of educational programs to the needs and potential in the region.

The objective of this paper is twofold. First, it will describe in general the learning environments model (adaptive and enactment) behind KTSP and its theoretical implications for learning and teaching, and second, it will look into the professional qualities required to run a KTSP classroom, the major potential difficulties encountered by teachers and readiness of teachers for this curriculum change in term of KTSP.
    1. Writing method
Writing this paper is solved by using literature-based writing method.
    1. Systematics writing
Systematics of writing this paper are divided into 3 chapters, chapter I, the introductory chapter, chapter II, as the discussion of issues and chapter III as the closing chapter.


    1. There are several definitions of the KTSP as follows:
      KTSP is an operational curriculum developed by and implemented in each educational unit. KTSP composed and educational goals of education unit level, structure and charge of curriculum, educational calendar, syllabus.
KTSP also is a stepping stone progress of education. With this new policy, schools can create a syllabus, curriculum, and the indicators themselves. Silahusnya own but must determine the standard of competence and its contents must be in accordance with the telab set by the government.
KTSP is a development and improvement of curriculum and curriculum before 2004 (CBC), which developed oleb educational unit based on content standards (SI), and competency standards Lululsan (SKL) located at the CBC.
KTSP one form of realization of the policy, decentralization in education for curriculum in strict accordance with the development needs of potential learners in the schools concerned in the present and who will come to consider the interests of local, national, and global demand in the spirit of School-Based Management ( MBS).
KTSP is an operational curriculum developed and implemented by each educational unit in this case refers to the law school is the educational unit (Sutrisno, 2008). In developing the SBC is done by each group or the education unit and school committee / madrasa under the coordination and supervision of Department of Education / Ministry of Religious Affairs office of district / city for Secondary Education and Special Education.
Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) is an educational curriculum developed by the operational and implemented in each educational unit in Indonesia. SBC legally mandated by Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System and the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards. The preparation of the school curriculum by starting with the 2007/2008 academic year refers to the Content Standard (SI) and Competency Standards Graduates (SKL) for primary and secondary education as published by the Minister of National Education of each No. 22 of 2006 and No. 23 of 2006, as well as curriculum development guidelines issued by BSNP.

In principle, the curriculum is an integral part of the SI, but its development submitted to the school to fit the needs of the school itself. SBC consists of unit-level educational objectives of education, curriculum structure and unit level of education, educational calendar, and syllabus. Implementation of curriculum refers to the Permendiknas No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKL. Standard content is the scope of material and level of competency as outlined in the competency requirements for graduates, competency assessment materials subject competencies, and learning syllabus that must be met learners at certain levels and types of education. Content standards are guidelines for curriculum development unit level education that includes:
* Basic framework and structure of the curriculum,
*The burden of learning,
* Unit level education curriculum that was developed at the unit level of education, and
* Education calendar.
SKL is used as a guide in determining the assessment of student graduation from the educational unit. SKL covers competency for all subjects or groups of subjects. Competences of graduates are qualified graduates skills that include attitude, knowledge, and skills in accordance with the agreed national standards. Application of SBC, as defined in the regulations of the Minister of National Education No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKL, defined by the principal after considering the recommendations of the school committee. In other words, the implementation is fully handed over to the school curriculum, in the sense that there is no intervention from the Department of Education or the Ministry of National Education. Preparation of SBC employees in addition to involving teachers and school committees are also involved and if necessary, experts from local universities. With the involvement of school committees in the preparation of SBC, the SBC which would have been prepared in accordance with the aspirations of the people, situations and environmental conditions and community needs.
2.2.1. Aims of Education or the Education Unit.
The purpose of education level of the educational unit refers to the general objectives formulated in the following education: (1) The purpose of basic education is to lay the foundations of intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently and take further education, (2) The purpose of secondary education is increasing intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently and take further education, (3) The purpose of secondary vocational education is to improve the intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently and take further education in accordance with the vocation.

2.2.2. Reference Preparation of KTSP Operations
Unit level education curriculum established by considering the following matters: (1) The increase of faith and piety and noble character, (2) Increasing the potential, intelligence, and interest in accordance with the level of development and abilities of learners, (3) The diversity of potential and characteristics area and the environment, (4) demands the development of regional and national levels; (5) Claim the world of work, (6) Developments in science, technology, and art; (7) Religion; (8) Dinainika global developments; (9) National unity and national values; (10) socio-cultural conditions of local communities; (11) Gender Equality; (12) Characteristics of educational unit 2.2.3. Structure and Content KTSP
The structure unit level education curriculum at primary and secondary education levels contained in the Content Standards, developed from the groups of subjects as follows: (1)
Groups of subjects of religion and of noble character, (2) Group of subjects nationality and personality, (3) The subjects of Science and Technology, (4) The aesthetic subjects, and (5) The physical subjects, sports and health. The group of subjects was carried out through the cargo and / or learning activities as described in the PP. 19 of 2005 on National Education Standards Article 7.
KTSP charge includes a number of subjects that breadth and depth is the burden of learning for students in the educational unit. In addition, the substance of local and self-development activities included in the curriculum content
a. Subject
Subjects and time allocation for each level of education units are listed on the curriculum structure contained in the Content Standards
b. Local Content
Local content is a curricular activities to develop competencies tailored to the characteristics and potential of the region, including regional advantage, in that the material can not be grouped into existing subjects. The substance of the local content is determined by the educational unit.
c. Development Activities
Self-development is not a subject that must be nurtured by teachers. Self-development aims to provide opportunities for learners to develop and express themselves in accordance with the needs, talents, ininat, each learner in accordance with each school. Facilitated self-development activities and / or guided by a counselor, teacher, or staff that can be done in the form of extracurricular activities. Self-development activities carried out through activities related to counseling services personal problems and social life, learning, and career development of students.

Especially for high school vocational self-development is primarily intended to develop creativity and career guidance. Self-development for special education units increased emphasis on life skills and independence in accordance with the special needs of learners.
d. Settings Education Expenses
1). Burden of learning in the package system used by the level of elementary education units / IT / SDLB, SMP / MTs / SMPLB either standard or independent category, SMA / MA / SMALB
/ SMK / MAK standard categories. Expenses study in semester credit system (SKS) may be used by SMP / MTs / SMPLB independent category, and by SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK / MAK standard categories. Expenses study in semester credit system (SKS) is used by SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK / MAK independent category.
2). Hours of learning for each subject on the package system is allocated as indicated in the structure of the curriculum. Education units, it is possible to add a maximum of four hours of learning per ininggu as a whole. Utilization of additional learning hours considering the needs of the students in achieving competency. The allocation of time for assignments independently structured and unstructured activities in the system package for SD / IS / SDLB 0% - 40%, SMP / MTs / SMPLB 0% - 50%, and SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK / MAK 0% - 60% of time face-to-face activities related subjects. Utilization of the allocation of time considering the needs of the students in achieving competency.
3). Allocation of time to practice, two hours of practice in schools is equivalent to one hour face to face. Four hours of practice outside of school is equivalent to one hour face to face.
4). The allocation of time for face-to-face, structured assignments, and independent activity is not structured for Junior High and Senior High School / MA / SMK / MAK which uses a system of credits to follow the rules as follows. a) One SKS on SMP / MTs consist of: 40 minutes face to face, 20 minutes of structured and unstructured activities independently. b) The credits of the SMA / MA / SMK / MAK consists of: 45 minutes face to face, 25 minutes of structured and unstructured activities independently.
e. The increase Classes
Majors, and Increase Graduation classes, majors, and graduation refers to the assessment standards developed by BSNP.
f. Life Skills Education
1) The curriculum for the elementary / THIS / SDLB, SMP / MTs / SMPLB, SMA / MA / SMALB, SMK / SMAK can include life skills education, which includes personal skills, social skills, skills akadeinik and / or vocational skills.
2) Education, life skills education to be part of all subjects.

3) Education, life skills learners can be obtained from the relevant education unit and / or from other formal education unit and / or who have received formal accreditation.
g. Based Education Local and Global Excellence
1) The curriculum for all levels of the educational unit based education to incorporate global and local excellence.
2) Education-based local and global benefits can be part of all subjects.
3) Education of local superiority based learners can be obtained from other formal education unit and / or who have received formal accreditation.
2.2.4. Preparation of curriculum implementation
a. Context Analysis
1) Analysis of potentials and strengths and weaknesses that exist in schools, including: students, teachers, education personnel, facilities, costs, and existing programs in schools.
2) Analysis of opportunities and challenges that exist in society and the environment, among others: the school committee, board of education, education departments, professional associations, business community! Industry, the workforce, natural resources and socio-cultural.
3) Mengidentitikasi content standards and competency standards as a reference and guide curriculum unit level education.
b. Development Mechanism
1) The authors Curriculum Vocational Education Unit was developed in accordance with its relevance by the school and the school committee under the coordination and supervision of the provincial education office. Drafting team curriculum unit level vocational education consists of: (1) Teacher, (2) counselors, (3) The school principal, (4) The school committee, and (5) Nara source. The school principal as chair and member, Provincial Education Office acts as a coordinator and supervisor.Guru, counselors, school committees (especially the DU / IN, the Association, the World of Work, and members of the Couples Institute Other significant) and resource persons acting as members of the drafting team KTSP.
2) The preparation of curriculum unit level of education is part and school planning activities. Activity-shaped noodles to a meeting and / or Iokakarya school and / or school groups are held in the prior-year period of new learning. Stage curriculum unit level activities in general education include: (1) The preparation and drafting, (2) Review and revision, (3) Finalization. More detailed steps of each activity regulated and organized by the drafting team.
3) Application of KTSP document declared valid by the principal after receiving consideration from the school committee and acknowledged by the education service district.

c. Implementation Steps KTSP Preparation
1) Formulate goals for school education
The formulation of educational goals sekoloah is basically a goal formulated by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) in the manual preparation of the Education Unit Level Curriculum Elementary and Secondary Education as the elaboration and Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System for the explanation of Article 3 and Article 15.
2) Formulate vision and mission of the school
Each school unit to formulate its vision and mission of each with respect to the preparation of operational reference KTSP. Formulation of vision and mission clearly illustrates the existence of the respective schools and prospects.
3) To formulate objective School
Each educational unit to formulate its own objectives refer to the vision and mission of the enactment. The formulation of goals describing the purpose of institutional presence of the educational unit concerned.
4) Establish standards of competence. Standard setting competence in the preparation of KTSP using the reference as follows. Competency standards, which include: (1) Competency Standards Unit of Education Graduates (SKL-SP), eg profile of vocational school graduates are listed in Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006 on Competency Standards Graduates;
(2) Subject Graduates Competency Standards (SKL-MP), a minimum competency each subject as stated in the Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006 on Graduate Competency Standards, and (3) Competency Standards and Basic Competency (SK-KD), is minimum competencies of each substance listed subjects in Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006 on Graduate Competency Standards.
Overall competency standards are the minimum competencies that must be implemented, each unit
education can add dinilal the competencies necessary to support the quality and relevance of the competence of graduates.
5) Develop competency achievement chart
 Diagram of the achievement of competence is a logical sequence of steps or procedures are taught and trained competencies to students in the required period, and the possibility implemented multi-multi-exit entiy. The diagram is made for the achievement of competence subject competence.
6) Develop curriculum structure
Curriculum structure is the pattern and structure of the eye pelalaran, local content and development of din that must be taken by students in the educational unit in learning activities. The composition of the subjects were divided into three groups of programs, namely the normative program, adaptive programs, and productive program.

Local content is a curricular activity for develop competencies tailored to the characteristics and potential of the region, including regional excellence, in harmony with the program keahilan that the material is not suitable to be part and that there are subjects or tenlalu much so penlu into separate subjects. Pengembangari din although not the subject and can be obtained and intrakurikuler activities, or extracurricular kokurikuler and devoted to the development of creativity and career guidance service, still must be listed in kunikulum structure. In the structure of the curriculum should include the duration of time, the estimated number of hours required to complete each subject, local content and developing din conformity with Permendiknas No. 22 of 2006 on the Content Standards. Life skills, local and global benefits, environmental and other materials not included in the curriculum structure can be integrated into activities learning in each subject.
7) Set the burden of learning
 Burden of learning includes face to face learning, practice in schools with a total 36-40 hours of lessons per week @ 45 minutes. Determination of load study conducted by the steps
as follows: (1) determine the number of hours for face-to-face learning activities (theory), practices at school, (2) convert the number of hours in school practices into a number of hours of face to face with the provisions of 2 hours teaching practice in schools is equivalent to one hour of learning face to face (theory), and (3) specify the number of hours the earliest subjects of the clock face to face (theory) and the number of hours the conversion results in point 2) is imprinted on the structure of the curriculum.
8) Establish education calendar
Each educational unit to prepare and establish a calendar of education in accordance with the needs and characteristics of education, competency-based learning, school characteristics, the needs of learners and society by taking into account the following provisions: (1) The beginning of the school year is the month of July each year and ends in June The next year, (2) School holidays is based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education and / or the Minister of Religious Affairs in matters related to religious festivities, the Regional Head Regency / Municipality. Organization of education providers to establish a special holiday, (3) Pemenintah Central / Province / County / City to set a day off in unison for education units, and (4) Calendar of education for each educational unit organized by each educational unit based on the allocation of time as mentioned in the document taking into account the provisions of Content Standards and the Government / local government.

1. Implied or Hidden Curriculum
The curriculum of this type are not made or designed in a formal, but the effect is not realized by the teachers and students. This curriculum can be internalized by the students through regulations that want a common good like perbarisan before entering the classroom, association weekly, daily schedule, classroom cleaning, regulations meals in the cafeteria, during in-class discipline, rules in the library and others. The experience received is actually allowed to give guidance to future students when they finish formal learning.
The implication of this hidden curriculum is more to consciousness, awareness and regulations that need to be adhered to by students.
2. Ideal Curriculum
The curriculum of this type involve pentadbiran penglibatan various parties such as universities, the Ministry of Education, Maktab, body unity, schools, teachers, parents and so forth. Established curriculum is what will be a guideline or principle to sesebuah the desired curriculum. The curriculum is usually not fixed but constantly changing and examined the original follow-kepeluan specific purposes.
3. Rasmi or Formal Curriculum
Aktiviti formal curriculum learning is real and then practiced by the students will correspond with the content as it is reserved by sesebuah school. This curriculum involves all forms of aktiviti same in the class or outside class. There are some orientations in the curriculum or formal Rasmi namely:
1. Academic Curriculum
The contents of this type of curriculum content based on the contents of the womb rather than a hard case to the happy and rather than a general overview to the special. Subjects taught are based on the purpose or the will of certain countries such as Science, Geography, History, Bahasa Melayu, English Language and others again.
2. Humanistic Curriculum
It is a kesedaran obtained than what is learned by students of the subject. They will definitely feel something meaningful and valuable kerana they will be able to mix emotions, intellect and treatment in itself. Oriented curriculum is not structured, but in it there is kesedaran religious, moral and spiritual to students willing to live it.

3. Technology Curriculum
This curriculum is based on the flow of scientific, technical and vocational. The subjects studied included various things and there is a terrace or a mandatory. To enter this flow, school or teaching centers need to provide the physical needs to attract enough students to learn. The time allocated should suffice and the students were exposed to the training necessary and practical to facilitate the learning process.
4. Curriculum of various subjects
The curriculum is categorized collection of subjects that have many similarities. For example, subjects Malay Language, Chinese Language, English Language and Tamil Language contains readings, oral and placed in a collection or of understanding the language of science and geography when placed in the field of social science.
5. Cognitive Development Curriculum
The curriculum is trying to relate the orientation of the elements contained in the subject or experience acceptable for them to take advantage of him and also others. Students not only taught to memorize and pass in peperiksaan but also so they can think, solve problems and can make a satisfactory decision.
6. Curriculum Development Community
This curriculum has to do with socio-cultural sekitaranya. Education institutions not only regarded as a place to give lessons, but also as a center that may contribute to the community. For example, the subjects of Geography, Economics, host and also study the work of projects and aktiviti run by students outside of school are not allowed to directly approach the students with the life of the community.


3.1 Conclusion
Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) is an operational education curriculum that gives wider autonomy for each school to develop and implement their own curriculum by taking into account the potentials of individual schools and the surrounding region. KTSP was launched starting with the 2006/2007 academic year in schools. Schools will have to refer to the Content Standard and Graduate Competency for primary and secondary education as published through the Regulation of Minister of National Education and the Development of Guidelines issued by KTSP when developing and implementing their curriculum.
The aim of this curriculum is to improve the quality of education by improving the curriculum in line with the individual’s interest, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, cultural and social-economic. This curriculum is supposed to empowered schools to develop and implement their own curriculum, but by imposing the schools to follow the guidelines and standards mentioned above which is still centralistic, this power will diminish. The objective of this paper is two fold. First, it will describe in general the learning environments model (adaptive and enactment) behind KTSP and its theoretical implications for learning and teaching, and second, it will look into the professional qualities required to run a KTSP classroom, the major potential difficulties encountered by teachers and readiness of teachers for this curriculum change in term of KTSP.
    1. Suggestion
Curriculum has to handle for each of school institution in Indonesia. Becose by the curriculum the school can runed well. So every teacher has to learn and know well about curruculum. The teachers have to know about the meaning of curriculum, the component of curriculum and the other aspects of curriculum.


Burke, John W. 1995. Competency Based Education and Training. London, New York, Philadelphia: The Falmer Press.
Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Kompetensi Lulusan. Jakarta: permendiknas 23 tahun 2006.
Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Isi. Jakarta: permendiknas 23 tahun 2006.
Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Isi dan Kompetensi Lulusan. Jakarta: permendiknas 23 tahun 2006.
Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Kompetensi Lulusan. Jakarta: permendiknas 23 tahun 2006.
Joice, Bruce. 1996. Models of Teaching. Boston: Alin and Bakon.

Sihaloho, Nelson., KTSP OPINI, Sumatera Utara: Karo, Senin, 18 Oktober 2010


    1. Writing background
In the development Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), which vary based on National Education Standards (SNP) to ensure the achievement of national education goals. National Standards of Education Content Standard, Standard Process, Competency standards Passed, Education Workforce Standards, Standards for Infrastructure, Standards Management, Financing Standards, Assessment Standards. Two of the eight standards, which are nsional education and Competency Standards Content Standard Passed, is the main reference for the education unit in developing curriculum.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 (UU 20/2003) about the System of National Education and the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 (PP 19/2005) about the National Standards of Education has mandated curriculum unit level education of primary and secondary levels of education have been prepared by educational unit based on the content standards and pass the competency standards and is guided by the guidelines established by the BSNP.
KTSP is an operational curriculum developed and implemented by each educational unit in this case refers to the law school is the educational unit (Sutrisno, 2008). In developing the KTSP is done by each group or the education unit and school committee / madrasa under the coordination and supervision of Department of Education / Ministry of Religious Affairs office of district / city for Secondary Education and Special Education.
KTSP Emphasis is on developing the ability to do (competence) and tasks with specific performance standards so the results can be felt by students in the form of mastery of a set of specific competencies. This educational program standard device should be able to deliver students to have a competency of knowledge, and values used in various fields of life.
    1. The purpose of writing
According to Nasution (1999), the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements on the objectives, content and teaching materials and methods used to guide the implementation of instructional activities to achieve certain educational goals. Objectives include the national education goals as well as conformance to specification, state and regional potential, education unit and learners. Therefore, the curriculum prepared by the educational unit to allow adjustment of educational programs to the needs and potential in the region.

The objective of this paper is twofold. First, it will describe in general the learning environments model (adaptive and enactment) behind KTSP and its theoretical implications for learning and teaching, and second, it will look into the professional qualities required to run a KTSP classroom, the major potential difficulties encountered by teachers and readiness of teachers for this curriculum change in term of KTSP.
    1. Writing method
Writing this paper is solved by using literature-based writing method.
    1. Systematics writing
Systematics of writing this paper are divided into 3 chapters, chapter I, the introductory chapter, chapter II, as the discussion of issues and chapter III as the closing chapter.


    1. There are several definitions of the KTSP as follows:
      KTSP is an operational curriculum developed by and implemented in each educational unit. KTSP composed and educational goals of education unit level, structure and charge of curriculum, educational calendar, syllabus.
KTSP also is a stepping stone progress of education. With this new policy, schools can create a syllabus, curriculum, and the indicators themselves. Silahusnya own but must determine the standard of competence and its contents must be in accordance with the telab set by the government.
KTSP is a development and improvement of curriculum and curriculum before 2004 (CBC), which developed oleb educational unit based on content standards (SI), and competency standards Lululsan (SKL) located at the CBC.
KTSP one form of realization of the policy, decentralization in education for curriculum in strict accordance with the development needs of potential learners in the schools concerned in the present and who will come to consider the interests of local, national, and global demand in the spirit of School-Based Management ( MBS).
KTSP is an operational curriculum developed and implemented by each educational unit in this case refers to the law school is the educational unit (Sutrisno, 2008). In developing the SBC is done by each group or the education unit and school committee / madrasa under the coordination and supervision of Department of Education / Ministry of Religious Affairs office of district / city for Secondary Education and Special Education.
Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) is an educational curriculum developed by the operational and implemented in each educational unit in Indonesia. SBC legally mandated by Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System and the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards. The preparation of the school curriculum by starting with the 2007/2008 academic year refers to the Content Standard (SI) and Competency Standards Graduates (SKL) for primary and secondary education as published by the Minister of National Education of each No. 22 of 2006 and No. 23 of 2006, as well as curriculum development guidelines issued by BSNP.

In principle, the curriculum is an integral part of the SI, but its development submitted to the school to fit the needs of the school itself. SBC consists of unit-level educational objectives of education, curriculum structure and unit level of education, educational calendar, and syllabus. Implementation of curriculum refers to the Permendiknas No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKL. Standard content is the scope of material and level of competency as outlined in the competency requirements for graduates, competency assessment materials subject competencies, and learning syllabus that must be met learners at certain levels and types of education. Content standards are guidelines for curriculum development unit level education that includes:
* Basic framework and structure of the curriculum,
*The burden of learning,
* Unit level education curriculum that was developed at the unit level of education, and
* Education calendar.
SKL is used as a guide in determining the assessment of student graduation from the educational unit. SKL covers competency for all subjects or groups of subjects. Competences of graduates are qualified graduates skills that include attitude, knowledge, and skills in accordance with the agreed national standards. Application of SBC, as defined in the regulations of the Minister of National Education No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKL, defined by the principal after considering the recommendations of the school committee. In other words, the implementation is fully handed over to the school curriculum, in the sense that there is no intervention from the Department of Education or the Ministry of National Education. Preparation of SBC employees in addition to involving teachers and school committees are also involved and if necessary, experts from local universities. With the involvement of school committees in the preparation of SBC, the SBC which would have been prepared in accordance with the aspirations of the people, situations and environmental conditions and community needs.
2.2.1. Aims of Education or the Education Unit.
The purpose of education level of the educational unit refers to the general objectives formulated in the following education: (1) The purpose of basic education is to lay the foundations of intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently and take further education, (2) The purpose of secondary education is increasing intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently and take further education, (3) The purpose of secondary vocational education is to improve the intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently and take further education in accordance with the vocation.

2.2.2. Reference Preparation of KTSP Operations
Unit level education curriculum established by considering the following matters: (1) The increase of faith and piety and noble character, (2) Increasing the potential, intelligence, and interest in accordance with the level of development and abilities of learners, (3) The diversity of potential and characteristics area and the environment, (4) demands the development of regional and national levels; (5) Claim the world of work, (6) Developments in science, technology, and art; (7) Religion; (8) Dinainika global developments; (9) National unity and national values; (10) socio-cultural conditions of local communities; (11) Gender Equality; (12) Characteristics of educational unit 2.2.3. Structure and Content KTSP
The structure unit level education curriculum at primary and secondary education levels contained in the Content Standards, developed from the groups of subjects as follows: (1)
Groups of subjects of religion and of noble character, (2) Group of subjects nationality and personality, (3) The subjects of Science and Technology, (4) The aesthetic subjects, and (5) The physical subjects, sports and health. The group of subjects was carried out through the cargo and / or learning activities as described in the PP. 19 of 2005 on National Education Standards Article 7.
KTSP charge includes a number of subjects that breadth and depth is the burden of learning for students in the educational unit. In addition, the substance of local and self-development activities included in the curriculum content
a. Subject
Subjects and time allocation for each level of education units are listed on the curriculum structure contained in the Content Standards
b. Local Content
Local content is a curricular activities to develop competencies tailored to the characteristics and potential of the region, including regional advantage, in that the material can not be grouped into existing subjects. The substance of the local content is determined by the educational unit.
c. Development Activities
Self-development is not a subject that must be nurtured by teachers. Self-development aims to provide opportunities for learners to develop and express themselves in accordance with the needs, talents, ininat, each learner in accordance with each school. Facilitated self-development activities and / or guided by a counselor, teacher, or staff that can be done in the form of extracurricular activities. Self-development activities carried out through activities related to counseling services personal problems and social life, learning, and career development of students.

Especially for high school vocational self-development is primarily intended to develop creativity and career guidance. Self-development for special education units increased emphasis on life skills and independence in accordance with the special needs of learners.
d. Settings Education Expenses
1). Burden of learning in the package system used by the level of elementary education units / IT / SDLB, SMP / MTs / SMPLB either standard or independent category, SMA / MA / SMALB
/ SMK / MAK standard categories. Expenses study in semester credit system (SKS) may be used by SMP / MTs / SMPLB independent category, and by SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK / MAK standard categories. Expenses study in semester credit system (SKS) is used by SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK / MAK independent category.
2). Hours of learning for each subject on the package system is allocated as indicated in the structure of the curriculum. Education units, it is possible to add a maximum of four hours of learning per ininggu as a whole. Utilization of additional learning hours considering the needs of the students in achieving competency. The allocation of time for assignments independently structured and unstructured activities in the system package for SD / IS / SDLB 0% - 40%, SMP / MTs / SMPLB 0% - 50%, and SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK / MAK 0% - 60% of time face-to-face activities related subjects. Utilization of the allocation of time considering the needs of the students in achieving competency.
3). Allocation of time to practice, two hours of practice in schools is equivalent to one hour face to face. Four hours of practice outside of school is equivalent to one hour face to face.
4). The allocation of time for face-to-face, structured assignments, and independent activity is not structured for Junior High and Senior High School / MA / SMK / MAK which uses a system of credits to follow the rules as follows. a) One SKS on SMP / MTs consist of: 40 minutes face to face, 20 minutes of structured and unstructured activities independently. b) The credits of the SMA / MA / SMK / MAK consists of: 45 minutes face to face, 25 minutes of structured and unstructured activities independently.
e. The increase Classes
Majors, and Increase Graduation classes, majors, and graduation refers to the assessment standards developed by BSNP.
f. Life Skills Education
1) The curriculum for the elementary / THIS / SDLB, SMP / MTs / SMPLB, SMA / MA / SMALB, SMK / SMAK can include life skills education, which includes personal skills, social skills, skills akadeinik and / or vocational skills.
2) Education, life skills education to be part of all subjects.

3) Education, life skills learners can be obtained from the relevant education unit and / or from other formal education unit and / or who have received formal accreditation.
g. Based Education Local and Global Excellence
1) The curriculum for all levels of the educational unit based education to incorporate global and local excellence.
2) Education-based local and global benefits can be part of all subjects.
3) Education of local superiority based learners can be obtained from other formal education unit and / or who have received formal accreditation.
2.2.4. Preparation of curriculum implementation
a. Context Analysis
1) Analysis of potentials and strengths and weaknesses that exist in schools, including: students, teachers, education personnel, facilities, costs, and existing programs in schools.
2) Analysis of opportunities and challenges that exist in society and the environment, among others: the school committee, board of education, education departments, professional associations, business community! Industry, the workforce, natural resources and socio-cultural.
3) Mengidentitikasi content standards and competency standards as a reference and guide curriculum unit level education.
b. Development Mechanism
1) The authors Curriculum Vocational Education Unit was developed in accordance with its relevance by the school and the school committee under the coordination and supervision of the provincial education office. Drafting team curriculum unit level vocational education consists of: (1) Teacher, (2) counselors, (3) The school principal, (4) The school committee, and (5) Nara source. The school principal as chair and member, Provincial Education Office acts as a coordinator and supervisor.Guru, counselors, school committees (especially the DU / IN, the Association, the World of Work, and members of the Couples Institute Other significant) and resource persons acting as members of the drafting team KTSP.
2) The preparation of curriculum unit level of education is part and school planning activities. Activity-shaped noodles to a meeting and / or Iokakarya school and / or school groups are held in the prior-year period of new learning. Stage curriculum unit level activities in general education include: (1) The preparation and drafting, (2) Review and revision, (3) Finalization. More detailed steps of each activity regulated and organized by the drafting team.
3) Application of KTSP document declared valid by the principal after receiving consideration from the school committee and acknowledged by the education service district.

c. Implementation Steps KTSP Preparation
1) Formulate goals for school education
The formulation of educational goals sekoloah is basically a goal formulated by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) in the manual preparation of the Education Unit Level Curriculum Elementary and Secondary Education as the elaboration and Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System for the explanation of Article 3 and Article 15.
2) Formulate vision and mission of the school
Each school unit to formulate its vision and mission of each with respect to the preparation of operational reference KTSP. Formulation of vision and mission clearly illustrates the existence of the respective schools and prospects.
3) To formulate objective School
Each educational unit to formulate its own objectives refer to the vision and mission of the enactment. The formulation of goals describing the purpose of institutional presence of the educational unit concerned.
4) Establish standards of competence. Standard setting competence in the preparation of KTSP using the reference as follows. Competency standards, which include: (1) Competency Standards Unit of Education Graduates (SKL-SP), eg profile of vocational school graduates are listed in Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006 on Competency Standards Graduates;
(2) Subject Graduates Competency Standards (SKL-MP), a minimum competency each subject as stated in the Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006 on Graduate Competency Standards, and (3) Competency Standards and Basic Competency (SK-KD), is minimum competencies of each substance listed subjects in Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006 on Graduate Competency Standards.
Overall competency standards are the minimum competencies that must be implemented, each unit
education can add dinilal the competencies necessary to support the quality and relevance of the competence of graduates.
5) Develop competency achievement chart
 Diagram of the achievement of competence is a logical sequence of steps or procedures are taught and trained competencies to students in the required period, and the possibility implemented multi-multi-exit entiy. The diagram is made for the achievement of competence subject competence.
6) Develop curriculum structure
Curriculum structure is the pattern and structure of the eye pelalaran, local content and development of din that must be taken by students in the educational unit in learning activities. The composition of the subjects were divided into three groups of programs, namely the normative program, adaptive programs, and productive program.

Local content is a curricular activity for develop competencies tailored to the characteristics and potential of the region, including regional excellence, in harmony with the program keahilan that the material is not suitable to be part and that there are subjects or tenlalu much so penlu into separate subjects. Pengembangari din although not the subject and can be obtained and intrakurikuler activities, or extracurricular kokurikuler and devoted to the development of creativity and career guidance service, still must be listed in kunikulum structure. In the structure of the curriculum should include the duration of time, the estimated number of hours required to complete each subject, local content and developing din conformity with Permendiknas No. 22 of 2006 on the Content Standards. Life skills, local and global benefits, environmental and other materials not included in the curriculum structure can be integrated into activities learning in each subject.
7) Set the burden of learning
 Burden of learning includes face to face learning, practice in schools with a total 36-40 hours of lessons per week @ 45 minutes. Determination of load study conducted by the steps
as follows: (1) determine the number of hours for face-to-face learning activities (theory), practices at school, (2) convert the number of hours in school practices into a number of hours of face to face with the provisions of 2 hours teaching practice in schools is equivalent to one hour of learning face to face (theory), and (3) specify the number of hours the earliest subjects of the clock face to face (theory) and the number of hours the conversion results in point 2) is imprinted on the structure of the curriculum.
8) Establish education calendar
Each educational unit to prepare and establish a calendar of education in accordance with the needs and characteristics of education, competency-based learning, school characteristics, the needs of learners and society by taking into account the following provisions: (1) The beginning of the school year is the month of July each year and ends in June The next year, (2) School holidays is based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education and / or the Minister of Religious Affairs in matters related to religious festivities, the Regional Head Regency / Municipality. Organization of education providers to establish a special holiday, (3) Pemenintah Central / Province / County / City to set a day off in unison for education units, and (4) Calendar of education for each educational unit organized by each educational unit based on the allocation of time as mentioned in the document taking into account the provisions of Content Standards and the Government / local government.

1. Implied or Hidden Curriculum
The curriculum of this type are not made or designed in a formal, but the effect is not realized by the teachers and students. This curriculum can be internalized by the students through regulations that want a common good like perbarisan before entering the classroom, association weekly, daily schedule, classroom cleaning, regulations meals in the cafeteria, during in-class discipline, rules in the library and others. The experience received is actually allowed to give guidance to future students when they finish formal learning.
The implication of this hidden curriculum is more to consciousness, awareness and regulations that need to be adhered to by students.
2. Ideal Curriculum
The curriculum of this type involve pentadbiran penglibatan various parties such as universities, the Ministry of Education, Maktab, body unity, schools, teachers, parents and so forth. Established curriculum is what will be a guideline or principle to sesebuah the desired curriculum. The curriculum is usually not fixed but constantly changing and examined the original follow-kepeluan specific purposes.
3. Rasmi or Formal Curriculum
Aktiviti formal curriculum learning is real and then practiced by the students will correspond with the content as it is reserved by sesebuah school. This curriculum involves all forms of aktiviti same in the class or outside class. There are some orientations in the curriculum or formal Rasmi namely:
1. Academic Curriculum
The contents of this type of curriculum content based on the contents of the womb rather than a hard case to the happy and rather than a general overview to the special. Subjects taught are based on the purpose or the will of certain countries such as Science, Geography, History, Bahasa Melayu, English Language and others again.
2. Humanistic Curriculum
It is a kesedaran obtained than what is learned by students of the subject. They will definitely feel something meaningful and valuable kerana they will be able to mix emotions, intellect and treatment in itself. Oriented curriculum is not structured, but in it there is kesedaran religious, moral and spiritual to students willing to live it.

3. Technology Curriculum
This curriculum is based on the flow of scientific, technical and vocational. The subjects studied included various things and there is a terrace or a mandatory. To enter this flow, school or teaching centers need to provide the physical needs to attract enough students to learn. The time allocated should suffice and the students were exposed to the training necessary and practical to facilitate the learning process.
4. Curriculum of various subjects
The curriculum is categorized collection of subjects that have many similarities. For example, subjects Malay Language, Chinese Language, English Language and Tamil Language contains readings, oral and placed in a collection or of understanding the language of science and geography when placed in the field of social science.
5. Cognitive Development Curriculum
The curriculum is trying to relate the orientation of the elements contained in the subject or experience acceptable for them to take advantage of him and also others. Students not only taught to memorize and pass in peperiksaan but also so they can think, solve problems and can make a satisfactory decision.
6. Curriculum Development Community
This curriculum has to do with socio-cultural sekitaranya. Education institutions not only regarded as a place to give lessons, but also as a center that may contribute to the community. For example, the subjects of Geography, Economics, host and also study the work of projects and aktiviti run by students outside of school are not allowed to directly approach the students with the life of the community.


3.1 Conclusion
Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) is an operational education curriculum that gives wider autonomy for each school to develop and implement their own curriculum by taking into account the potentials of individual schools and the surrounding region. KTSP was launched starting with the 2006/2007 academic year in schools. Schools will have to refer to the Content Standard and Graduate Competency for primary and secondary education as published through the Regulation of Minister of National Education and the Development of Guidelines issued by KTSP when developing and implementing their curriculum.
The aim of this curriculum is to improve the quality of education by improving the curriculum in line with the individual’s interest, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, cultural and social-economic. This curriculum is supposed to empowered schools to develop and implement their own curriculum, but by imposing the schools to follow the guidelines and standards mentioned above which is still centralistic, this power will diminish. The objective of this paper is two fold. First, it will describe in general the learning environments model (adaptive and enactment) behind KTSP and its theoretical implications for learning and teaching, and second, it will look into the professional qualities required to run a KTSP classroom, the major potential difficulties encountered by teachers and readiness of teachers for this curriculum change in term of KTSP.
    1. Suggestion
Curriculum has to handle for each of school institution in Indonesia. Becose by the curriculum the school can runed well. So every teacher has to learn and know well about curruculum. The teachers have to know about the meaning of curriculum, the component of curriculum and the other aspects of curriculum.


Burke, John W. 1995. Competency Based Education and Training. London, New York, Philadelphia: The Falmer Press.
Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Kompetensi Lulusan. Jakarta: permendiknas 23 tahun 2006.
Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Isi. Jakarta: permendiknas 23 tahun 2006.
Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Isi dan Kompetensi Lulusan. Jakarta: permendiknas 23 tahun 2006.
Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Kompetensi Lulusan. Jakarta: permendiknas 23 tahun 2006.
Joice, Bruce. 1996. Models of Teaching. Boston: Alin and Bakon.

Sihaloho, Nelson., KTSP OPINI, Sumatera Utara: Karo, Senin, 18 Oktober 2010


    1. Writing background
In the development Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), which vary based on National Education Standards (SNP) to ensure the achievement of national education goals. National Standards of Education Content Standard, Standard Process, Competency standards Passed, Education Workforce Standards, Standards for Infrastructure, Standards Management, Financing Standards, Assessment Standards. Two of the eight standards, which are nsional education and Competency Standards Content Standard Passed, is the main reference for the education unit in developing curriculum.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 (UU 20/2003) about the System of National Education and the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 (PP 19/2005) about the National Standards of Education has mandated curriculum unit level education of primary and secondary levels of education have been prepared by educational unit based on the content standards and pass the competency standards and is guided by the guidelines established by the BSNP.
KTSP is an operational curriculum developed and implemented by each educational unit in this case refers to the law school is the educational unit (Sutrisno, 2008). In developing the KTSP is done by each group or the education unit and school committee / madrasa under the coordination and supervision of Department of Education / Ministry of Religious Affairs office of district / city for Secondary Education and Special Education.
KTSP Emphasis is on developing the ability to do (competence) and tasks with specific performance standards so the results can be felt by students in the form of mastery of a set of specific competencies. This educational program standard device should be able to deliver students to have a competency of knowledge, and values used in various fields of life.
    1. The purpose of writing
According to Nasution (1999), the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements on the objectives, content and teaching materials and methods used to guide the implementation of instructional activities to achieve certain educational goals. Objectives include the national education goals as well as conformance to specification, state and regional potential, education unit and learners. Therefore, the curriculum prepared by the educational unit to allow adjustment of educational programs to the needs and potential in the region.

The objective of this paper is twofold. First, it will describe in general the learning environments model (adaptive and enactment) behind KTSP and its theoretical implications for learning and teaching, and second, it will look into the professional qualities required to run a KTSP classroom, the major potential difficulties encountered by teachers and readiness of teachers for this curriculum change in term of KTSP.
    1. Writing method
Writing this paper is solved by using literature-based writing method.
    1. Systematics writing
Systematics of writing this paper are divided into 3 chapters, chapter I, the introductory chapter, chapter II, as the discussion of issues and chapter III as the closing chapter.


    1. There are several definitions of the KTSP as follows:
      KTSP is an operational curriculum developed by and implemented in each educational unit. KTSP composed and educational goals of education unit level, structure and charge of curriculum, educational calendar, syllabus.
KTSP also is a stepping stone progress of education. With this new policy, schools can create a syllabus, curriculum, and the indicators themselves. Silahusnya own but must determine the standard of competence and its contents must be in accordance with the telab set by the government.
KTSP is a development and improvement of curriculum and curriculum before 2004 (CBC), which developed oleb educational unit based on content standards (SI), and competency standards Lululsan (SKL) located at the CBC.
KTSP one form of realization of the policy, decentralization in education for curriculum in strict accordance with the development needs of potential learners in the schools concerned in the present and who will come to consider the interests of local, national, and global demand in the spirit of School-Based Management ( MBS).
KTSP is an operational curriculum developed and implemented by each educational unit in this case refers to the law school is the educational unit (Sutrisno, 2008). In developing the SBC is done by each group or the education unit and school committee / madrasa under the coordination and supervision of Department of Education / Ministry of Religious Affairs office of district / city for Secondary Education and Special Education.
Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) is an educational curriculum developed by the operational and implemented in each educational unit in Indonesia. SBC legally mandated by Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System and the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards. The preparation of the school curriculum by starting with the 2007/2008 academic year refers to the Content Standard (SI) and Competency Standards Graduates (SKL) for primary and secondary education as published by the Minister of National Education of each No. 22 of 2006 and No. 23 of 2006, as well as curriculum development guidelines issued by BSNP.

In principle, the curriculum is an integral part of the SI, but its development submitted to the school to fit the needs of the school itself. SBC consists of unit-level educational objectives of education, curriculum structure and unit level of education, educational calendar, and syllabus. Implementation of curriculum refers to the Permendiknas No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKL. Standard content is the scope of material and level of competency as outlined in the competency requirements for graduates, competency assessment materials subject competencies, and learning syllabus that must be met learners at certain levels and types of education. Content standards are guidelines for curriculum development unit level education that includes:
* Basic framework and structure of the curriculum,
*The burden of learning,
* Unit level education curriculum that was developed at the unit level of education, and
* Education calendar.
SKL is used as a guide in determining the assessment of student graduation from the educational unit. SKL covers competency for all subjects or groups of subjects. Competences of graduates are qualified graduates skills that include attitude, knowledge, and skills in accordance with the agreed national standards. Application of SBC, as defined in the regulations of the Minister of National Education No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKL, defined by the principal after considering the recommendations of the school committee. In other words, the implementation is fully handed over to the school curriculum, in the sense that there is no intervention from the Department of Education or the Ministry of National Education. Preparation of SBC employees in addition to involving teachers and school committees are also involved and if necessary, experts from local universities. With the involvement of school committees in the preparation of SBC, the SBC which would have been prepared in accordance with the aspirations of the people, situations and environmental conditions and community needs.
2.2.1. Aims of Education or the Education Unit.
The purpose of education level of the educational unit refers to the general objectives formulated in the following education: (1) The purpose of basic education is to lay the foundations of intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently and take further education, (2) The purpose of secondary education is increasing intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently and take further education, (3) The purpose of secondary vocational education is to improve the intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently and take further education in accordance with the vocation.

2.2.2. Reference Preparation of KTSP Operations
Unit level education curriculum established by considering the following matters: (1) The increase of faith and piety and noble character, (2) Increasing the potential, intelligence, and interest in accordance with the level of development and abilities of learners, (3) The diversity of potential and characteristics area and the environment, (4) demands the development of regional and national levels; (5) Claim the world of work, (6) Developments in science, technology, and art; (7) Religion; (8) Dinainika global developments; (9) National unity and national values; (10) socio-cultural conditions of local communities; (11) Gender Equality; (12) Characteristics of educational unit 2.2.3. Structure and Content KTSP
The structure unit level education curriculum at primary and secondary education levels contained in the Content Standards, developed from the groups of subjects as follows: (1)
Groups of subjects of religion and of noble character, (2) Group of subjects nationality and personality, (3) The subjects of Science and Technology, (4) The aesthetic subjects, and (5) The physical subjects, sports and health. The group of subjects was carried out through the cargo and / or learning activities as described in the PP. 19 of 2005 on National Education Standards Article 7.
KTSP charge includes a number of subjects that breadth and depth is the burden of learning for students in the educational unit. In addition, the substance of local and self-development activities included in the curriculum content
a. Subject
Subjects and time allocation for each level of education units are listed on the curriculum structure contained in the Content Standards
b. Local Content
Local content is a curricular activities to develop competencies tailored to the characteristics and potential of the region, including regional advantage, in that the material can not be grouped into existing subjects. The substance of the local content is determined by the educational unit.
c. Development Activities
Self-development is not a subject that must be nurtured by teachers. Self-development aims to provide opportunities for learners to develop and express themselves in accordance with the needs, talents, ininat, each learner in accordance with each school. Facilitated self-development activities and / or guided by a counselor, teacher, or staff that can be done in the form of extracurricular activities. Self-development activities carried out through activities related to counseling services personal problems and social life, learning, and career development of students.

Especially for high school vocational self-development is primarily intended to develop creativity and career guidance. Self-development for special education units increased emphasis on life skills and independence in accordance with the special needs of learners.
d. Settings Education Expenses
1). Burden of learning in the package system used by the level of elementary education units / IT / SDLB, SMP / MTs / SMPLB either standard or independent category, SMA / MA / SMALB
/ SMK / MAK standard categories. Expenses study in semester credit system (SKS) may be used by SMP / MTs / SMPLB independent category, and by SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK / MAK standard categories. Expenses study in semester credit system (SKS) is used by SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK / MAK independent category.
2). Hours of learning for each subject on the package system is allocated as indicated in the structure of the curriculum. Education units, it is possible to add a maximum of four hours of learning per ininggu as a whole. Utilization of additional learning hours considering the needs of the students in achieving competency. The allocation of time for assignments independently structured and unstructured activities in the system package for SD / IS / SDLB 0% - 40%, SMP / MTs / SMPLB 0% - 50%, and SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK / MAK 0% - 60% of time face-to-face activities related subjects. Utilization of the allocation of time considering the needs of the students in achieving competency.
3). Allocation of time to practice, two hours of practice in schools is equivalent to one hour face to face. Four hours of practice outside of school is equivalent to one hour face to face.
4). The allocation of time for face-to-face, structured assignments, and independent activity is not structured for Junior High and Senior High School / MA / SMK / MAK which uses a system of credits to follow the rules as follows. a) One SKS on SMP / MTs consist of: 40 minutes face to face, 20 minutes of structured and unstructured activities independently. b) The credits of the SMA / MA / SMK / MAK consists of: 45 minutes face to face, 25 minutes of structured and unstructured activities independently.
e. The increase Classes
Majors, and Increase Graduation classes, majors, and graduation refers to the assessment standards developed by BSNP.
f. Life Skills Education
1) The curriculum for the elementary / THIS / SDLB, SMP / MTs / SMPLB, SMA / MA / SMALB, SMK / SMAK can include life skills education, which includes personal skills, social skills, skills akadeinik and / or vocational skills.
2) Education, life skills education to be part of all subjects.

3) Education, life skills learners can be obtained from the relevant education unit and / or from other formal education unit and / or who have received formal accreditation.
g. Based Education Local and Global Excellence
1) The curriculum for all levels of the educational unit based education to incorporate global and local excellence.
2) Education-based local and global benefits can be part of all subjects.
3) Education of local superiority based learners can be obtained from other formal education unit and / or who have received formal accreditation.
2.2.4. Preparation of curriculum implementation
a. Context Analysis
1) Analysis of potentials and strengths and weaknesses that exist in schools, including: students, teachers, education personnel, facilities, costs, and existing programs in schools.
2) Analysis of opportunities and challenges that exist in society and the environment, among others: the school committee, board of education, education departments, professional associations, business community! Industry, the workforce, natural resources and socio-cultural.
3) Mengidentitikasi content standards and competency standards as a reference and guide curriculum unit level education.
b. Development Mechanism
1) The authors Curriculum Vocational Education Unit was developed in accordance with its relevance by the school and the school committee under the coordination and supervision of the provincial education office. Drafting team curriculum unit level vocational education consists of: (1) Teacher, (2) counselors, (3) The school principal, (4) The school committee, and (5) Nara source. The school principal as chair and member, Provincial Education Office acts as a coordinator and supervisor.Guru, counselors, school committees (especially the DU / IN, the Association, the World of Work, and members of the Couples Institute Other significant) and resource persons acting as members of the drafting team KTSP.
2) The preparation of curriculum unit level of education is part and school planning activities. Activity-shaped noodles to a meeting and / or Iokakarya school and / or school groups are held in the prior-year period of new learning. Stage curriculum unit level activities in general education include: (1) The preparation and drafting, (2) Review and revision, (3) Finalization. More detailed steps of each activity regulated and organized by the drafting team.
3) Application of KTSP document declared valid by the principal after receiving consideration from the school committee and acknowledged by the education service district.

c. Implementation Steps KTSP Preparation
1) Formulate goals for school education
The formulation of educational goals sekoloah is basically a goal formulated by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) in the manual preparation of the Education Unit Level Curriculum Elementary and Secondary Education as the elaboration and Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System for the explanation of Article 3 and Article 15.
2) Formulate vision and mission of the school
Each school unit to formulate its vision and mission of each with respect to the preparation of operational reference KTSP. Formulation of vision and mission clearly illustrates the existence of the respective schools and prospects.
3) To formulate objective School
Each educational unit to formulate its own objectives refer to the vision and mission of the enactment. The formulation of goals describing the purpose of institutional presence of the educational unit concerned.
4) Establish standards of competence. Standard setting competence in the preparation of KTSP using the reference as follows. Competency standards, which include: (1) Competency Standards Unit of Education Graduates (SKL-SP), eg profile of vocational school graduates are listed in Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006 on Competency Standards Graduates;
(2) Subject Graduates Competency Standards (SKL-MP), a minimum competency each subject as stated in the Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006 on Graduate Competency Standards, and (3) Competency Standards and Basic Competency (SK-KD), is minimum competencies of each substance listed subjects in Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006 on Graduate Competency Standards.
Overall competency standards are the minimum competencies that must be implemented, each unit
education can add dinilal the competencies necessary to support the quality and relevance of the competence of graduates.
5) Develop competency achievement chart
 Diagram of the achievement of competence is a logical sequence of steps or procedures are taught and trained competencies to students in the required period, and the possibility implemented multi-multi-exit entiy. The diagram is made for the achievement of competence subject competence.
6) Develop curriculum structure
Curriculum structure is the pattern and structure of the eye pelalaran, local content and development of din that must be taken by students in the educational unit in learning activities. The composition of the subjects were divided into three groups of programs, namely the normative program, adaptive programs, and productive program.

Local content is a curricular activity for develop competencies tailored to the characteristics and potential of the region, including regional excellence, in harmony with the program keahilan that the material is not suitable to be part and that there are subjects or tenlalu much so penlu into separate subjects. Pengembangari din although not the subject and can be obtained and intrakurikuler activities, or extracurricular kokurikuler and devoted to the development of creativity and career guidance service, still must be listed in kunikulum structure. In the structure of the curriculum should include the duration of time, the estimated number of hours required to complete each subject, local content and developing din conformity with Permendiknas No. 22 of 2006 on the Content Standards. Life skills, local and global benefits, environmental and other materials not included in the curriculum structure can be integrated into activities learning in each subject.
7) Set the burden of learning
 Burden of learning includes face to face learning, practice in schools with a total 36-40 hours of lessons per week @ 45 minutes. Determination of load study conducted by the steps
as follows: (1) determine the number of hours for face-to-face learning activities (theory), practices at school, (2) convert the number of hours in school practices into a number of hours of face to face with the provisions of 2 hours teaching practice in schools is equivalent to one hour of learning face to face (theory), and (3) specify the number of hours the earliest subjects of the clock face to face (theory) and the number of hours the conversion results in point 2) is imprinted on the structure of the curriculum.
8) Establish education calendar
Each educational unit to prepare and establish a calendar of education in accordance with the needs and characteristics of education, competency-based learning, school characteristics, the needs of learners and society by taking into account the following provisions: (1) The beginning of the school year is the month of July each year and ends in June The next year, (2) School holidays is based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education and / or the Minister of Religious Affairs in matters related to religious festivities, the Regional Head Regency / Municipality. Organization of education providers to establish a special holiday, (3) Pemenintah Central / Province / County / City to set a day off in unison for education units, and (4) Calendar of education for each educational unit organized by each educational unit based on the allocation of time as mentioned in the document taking into account the provisions of Content Standards and the Government / local government.

1. Implied or Hidden Curriculum
The curriculum of this type are not made or designed in a formal, but the effect is not realized by the teachers and students. This curriculum can be internalized by the students through regulations that want a common good like perbarisan before entering the classroom, association weekly, daily schedule, classroom cleaning, regulations meals in the cafeteria, during in-class discipline, rules in the library and others. The experience received is actually allowed to give guidance to future students when they finish formal learning.
The implication of this hidden curriculum is more to consciousness, awareness and regulations that need to be adhered to by students.
2. Ideal Curriculum
The curriculum of this type involve pentadbiran penglibatan various parties such as universities, the Ministry of Education, Maktab, body unity, schools, teachers, parents and so forth. Established curriculum is what will be a guideline or principle to sesebuah the desired curriculum. The curriculum is usually not fixed but constantly changing and examined the original follow-kepeluan specific purposes.
3. Rasmi or Formal Curriculum
Aktiviti formal curriculum learning is real and then practiced by the students will correspond with the content as it is reserved by sesebuah school. This curriculum involves all forms of aktiviti same in the class or outside class. There are some orientations in the curriculum or formal Rasmi namely:
1. Academic Curriculum
The contents of this type of curriculum content based on the contents of the womb rather than a hard case to the happy and rather than a general overview to the special. Subjects taught are based on the purpose or the will of certain countries such as Science, Geography, History, Bahasa Melayu, English Language and others again.
2. Humanistic Curriculum
It is a kesedaran obtained than what is learned by students of the subject. They will definitely feel something meaningful and valuable kerana they will be able to mix emotions, intellect and treatment in itself. Oriented curriculum is not structured, but in it there is kesedaran religious, moral and spiritual to students willing to live it.

3. Technology Curriculum
This curriculum is based on the flow of scientific, technical and vocational. The subjects studied included various things and there is a terrace or a mandatory. To enter this flow, school or teaching centers need to provide the physical needs to attract enough students to learn. The time allocated should suffice and the students were exposed to the training necessary and practical to facilitate the learning process.
4. Curriculum of various subjects
The curriculum is categorized collection of subjects that have many similarities. For example, subjects Malay Language, Chinese Language, English Language and Tamil Language contains readings, oral and placed in a collection or of understanding the language of science and geography when placed in the field of social science.
5. Cognitive Development Curriculum
The curriculum is trying to relate the orientation of the elements contained in the subject or experience acceptable for them to take advantage of him and also others. Students not only taught to memorize and pass in peperiksaan but also so they can think, solve problems and can make a satisfactory decision.
6. Curriculum Development Community
This curriculum has to do with socio-cultural sekitaranya. Education institutions not only regarded as a place to give lessons, but also as a center that may contribute to the community. For example, the subjects of Geography, Economics, host and also study the work of projects and aktiviti run by students outside of school are not allowed to directly approach the students with the life of the community.


3.1 Conclusion
Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) is an operational education curriculum that gives wider autonomy for each school to develop and implement their own curriculum by taking into account the potentials of individual schools and the surrounding region. KTSP was launched starting with the 2006/2007 academic year in schools. Schools will have to refer to the Content Standard and Graduate Competency for primary and secondary education as published through the Regulation of Minister of National Education and the Development of Guidelines issued by KTSP when developing and implementing their curriculum.
The aim of this curriculum is to improve the quality of education by improving the curriculum in line with the individual’s interest, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, cultural and social-economic. This curriculum is supposed to empowered schools to develop and implement their own curriculum, but by imposing the schools to follow the guidelines and standards mentioned above which is still centralistic, this power will diminish. The objective of this paper is two fold. First, it will describe in general the learning environments model (adaptive and enactment) behind KTSP and its theoretical implications for learning and teaching, and second, it will look into the professional qualities required to run a KTSP classroom, the major potential difficulties encountered by teachers and readiness of teachers for this curriculum change in term of KTSP.
    1. Suggestion
Curriculum has to handle for each of school institution in Indonesia. Becose by the curriculum the school can runed well. So every teacher has to learn and know well about curruculum. The teachers have to know about the meaning of curriculum, the component of curriculum and the other aspects of curriculum.


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Sihaloho, Nelson., KTSP OPINI, Sumatera Utara: Karo, Senin, 18 Oktober 2010


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